Converting to Propane

Converting to Propane is Easy

DiSanto Propane makes converting to propane easy and you instantly start seeing the energy savings. When you compare electric energy to propane fuel, you will discover the many benefits you get with propane fuel over electric energy. When you choose DiSanto Propane as your trustworthy propane supplier, you are able to heat your home faster and maintain warmth longer, which will save you money – especially during the winter months.

When you cook with propane ovens and ranges, they heat faster and more consistently than cooking with electric.

If the weather is unpredictable, have peace of mind knowing that your appliances will still receive power with a propane-powered standby backup generator.

Disanto Propane Energy
Propane Dealer New York State
A man sitting in the back of a truck.

For home or business, we can help you reduce energy costs and increase your comfort with clean, reliable propane.

Get Answers to Your Questions
Stable propane budget billing plan

Stable propane prices all year long, with no more high winter propane bills. What’s to think about? Sign up today!

Stable Propane Billing
Propane Safety

Propane is very safe, but with any energy source there are steps you can take to ensure your safety.

Propane Safety

Become a New Customer

Choose DiSanto Propane as your propane provider and enjoy reliable delivery, dedicated customer service, fixed monthly stable propane pricing, and paperless billing. There’s never been a better time to switch to DiSanto Propane to reduce your energy costs.