26 03, 2018

Highlighting Our Range of Services At DiSanto Propane

By | March 26th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Highlighting Our Range of Services At DiSanto Propane

In our last posts, it could be argued that we got a little bit carried away with ourselves. The two-part series was titled “We’ve Been Around Since 1937 -- What’s Happened Between Then And Now?â€, and we did our best to highlight just how many notable events have occurred from 1937 until now. There have been some terrible things to have happened, including war, genocide, disease, injustice, and much more that we [...]

15 03, 2018

We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part Two

By | March 15th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part Two

Welcome to part two of this two-part series ingeniously titled, “we’ve been around since 1937 -- what’s happened between then and now?†If you’ve read part one of this series, you’d already know that we are doing our darndest to be as thorough and comprehensive as possible when it comes to covering all major historical events that happened between our founding year and the present. While we covered our own backsides with [...]

14 03, 2018

We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part One

By | March 14th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part One

Since 1937, we’ve been proud to provide upstate New York homeowners, homebuilders, and businesses with clean energy. We offer residential services for home propane usage, commercial propane services, and much more. And while we won’t be highlighting our range of services in today’s post, we will be talking about how much has happened in the world since our inception all the way back in 1937. In a post some time ago, we [...]

9 03, 2018

3 More Recipes to Try on Your Propane Stove

By | March 9th, 2018|Propane Appliances New York|Comments Off on 3 More Recipes to Try on Your Propane Stove

If you’ve been following along with our blog recently, chances are that you saw our last post that was all about everyone’s favorite propane appliance, the propane stove. In that blog, we highlighted a few of the reasons that people have made the switch. Whether it’s a desire to save money, ensure more even cooking, or have the ability to cook even when the power is out, many people have found that [...]

7 03, 2018

Make the Switch to a Propane Stove

By | March 7th, 2018|Propane Appliances New York|Comments Off on Make the Switch to a Propane Stove

One of the big draws of utilizing our propane services is that all of a sudden, you get access to some of the best propane appliances on the market. People are particularly drawn to the prospect of using a propane stove, and for good reason. Did you know that customers can save $80-$120 in annual energy costs on average after having made the switch to a propane stove? It really doesn’t get [...]

2 03, 2018

Steps You Can Take to Make Your Energy Bill Lower

By | March 2nd, 2018|Propane Refill New York|Comments Off on Steps You Can Take to Make Your Energy Bill Lower

With monthly billing and fixed rates, DiSanto Propane ensures that you have stable pricing all year long. Whereas you might see a fairly large fluctuation with normal pricing, our stable pricing is designed to make your life that much easier. The way we do that is by calculating your average yearly propane usage and dividing it by 12, thereby ensuring that your bill is the same every month. It doesn’t get much [...]