28 04, 2018

Spotlight: Commercial Propane Services At DiSanto

By | April 28th, 2018|Propane Supplier New York|Comments Off on Spotlight: Commercial Propane Services At DiSanto

We’ve taken the time to highlight our residential, home-based propane services on more than one occasion throughout this blog’s history here at DiSanto Propane. Two posts ago, we did exactly that. In our last post, we provided some semi-snarky, yet practical tips in reference to propane use in the home. Although propane is one of the safest, cleanest, and most reliable energy fuel types around, it remains flammable in nature. With that [...]

22 04, 2018

Propane Safety Tips: What You Need To Know

By | April 22nd, 2018|Propane Appliances New York|Comments Off on Propane Safety Tips: What You Need To Know

In our last post, we took the time to highlight the variety of residential propane uses that we at DiSanto can help you with, in addition to shining the spotlight on our underground tank propane installation service. Generally speaking, the lowest common denominator of that post is that propane is efficient, cost-effective, safe, clean, and reliable. We aren’t just throwing those adjectives around freely, either. If you read our site or even [...]

16 04, 2018

Spotlight: Our Residential Propane Services

By | April 16th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Spotlight: Our Residential Propane Services

We are located at 11098 Route 31, Clyde, NY, 14433. We are propane distributors who serve both the commercial and residential sectors. As we just finished celebrating our 80th anniversary in existence, having been founded in 1937, we figured it might be a good time to shine the proverbial spotlight on our range of home propane services. The common denominator is that we can help you reduce energy costs while improving your [...]

12 04, 2018

Selecting The Right Grill

By | April 12th, 2018|Grilling|Comments Off on Selecting The Right Grill

In our last post, we talked about some grilling basics. We talked about heat sources in terms of direct heat and what you need to know about our Mighty Flame Tank Exchange. In today’s post, we are going to continue with this grilling basics theme we’ve got going on here. Yes, we know that we’ve been offering up some of our favorite grilling recipes for a considerable amount of time now. So [...]

5 04, 2018

Grilling Basics: How To Grill

By | April 5th, 2018|Grilling|Comments Off on Grilling Basics: How To Grill

We’ve offered a few of our favorite grilling recipes in posts of the past. That’s no secret. Actually, scratch that. We’ve offered up a borderline weird amount of grilling recipes in our past posts. But guess what? We don’t care if you are sick and tired of our recipes. We do one thing and we do it well here at DiSanto Propane -- propane. Whether you’ve come here for home propane, commercial [...]