We tend to bounce around from topic to topic when it comes to our blogs here. But hey, can you blame us? Propane has a wide variety of uses (try not to read that last previous phrase without having Hank Hill’s voice pop into your head, we dare you), from helping you achieve the official title of grillmaster to keeping millions of humans warm during the cold months, and pretty much everywhere in between. We encourage you to look back through our thorough records of blog posts to get a feel for other propane uses and commercial applications, with fields that include transportation, construction, and agriculture.

However, we aren’t going to be talking about any other propane-based application aside from propane-fueled grilling. After all, it is high-summer, the sun is shining, and it’s time to enjoy ourselves! But before we get to that, allow us a brief reminder about what we do at DiSanto Propane.

Frankly, we aren’t sure why we said “allow†in the above sentence. After all, it’s our blog. And you know what they say, “our blog, our rules.â€

Since 1937

That’s right, we are a family-owned propane distributor that has been around since 1937. Do you know what all has gone down since 1937? The short answer is, quite a bit. The long answer can be answered in our blog archives, where we tackle various world events to exemplify just how long a near-century really is.

But experience alone hasn’t kept us in business. We are an upstate New York propane company that believes that the cornerstone of any service-based business should be customer service. Whether our customers are interested in residential or commercial propane services, we have them covered with affordable prices and a world-class dedication to providing our customers with whatever they might need. As an example, we offer 24/7 emergency service and monthly billing with year-round fixed rates. Stable pricing the whole year can make a significant impact for customers who are looking to budget wisely. And if you aren’t, that’s okay too! We still provide safe, reliable, and affordable propane gas services for home and business. Simply switching to propane will shave significant dollars off of your energy bill.

And using a propane grill? Well, let’s put it this way — if you aren’t using propane for your grilling…(insert witty and down-to-earth Hank Hill quote about the virtues of propane).

Hey, we couldn’t find the perfect quote, so just imagine something wonderful. It’s easy if you try.

A home with the words clean energy for your home.

A Couple Of Grilling Party Recipes

Alright, alright, we’ll stop blabbing. We have a promised blog topic to get to, and by gosh, you are going to get it. Below you’ll find just a couple of our favorite grilling ideas for when you feel like hosting a crowd.

  • Appetizer – Baked Beans – Don’t you dare roll your eyes! You’ve probably never tried baked beans like these, and that’s because these are grilled beans, technically speaking. First, you’ll need the usual suspects in terms of ingredients: bacon, spices, onion, molasses, mustard, brown sugar, pork, and, them beans. All you have to do is mix it all up and use an oven-proof casserole dish or a foil pan. Cover those beans up with bacon and a bit more mustard. Cook them for an hour. And then stir and serve! Yum.
  • Entree – Lemon Pepper Chicken Kebabs – If your party might get tired of the trite, it might be time to diversify your offerings, expanding outside of the at-times mundane options like burgers and brats. Don’t get us wrong, hot dogs and burgers and sausages have their place, but not all the time. That’s why we recommend giving these lemon pepper chicken kebabs a shot. A Farmgirl’s Dabbles recipe, these kebabs are quick, easy, and delicious. All you need is lemon pepper, asparagus, onion, olive oil, some basic spices, and some fresh parsley! Oh, you’ll need skewers too. Those are important. Stagger your ingredients like you would with any other kebab-type, and cook for about fifteen minutes, making sure you don’t overcook, which will see the chicken lose its moisture. See the full recipe for details, but trust us, it’s worth your time.
  • Dessert – Ice Cream & Grilled Fruit – We are going to keep this one pretty simple, but don’t mistake it for being anything other than wonderful. Buy some vanilla ice cream, or make some from scratch yourself, if you are feeling up to it. Then get some honey, olive oil, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, and don’t forget lemon thyme vinegar. Toss the fruit with the oil and vinegar and then grill them until they are charred in spots for about three minutes on high heat. People will bow down in worship, for they have found their new grillmaster, nay, their new diety!

Contact DiSanto Propane

Alright, we may have gotten slightly carried away with ourselves toward the end there. With our experience, breadth of propane services, and commitment to providing our customers with top-quality propane however they need it, there’s a lot more to like about DiSanto Propane than this silly blog post. Although, to be fair, we do recommend you try at least one of those propane-fueled grilling recipes for your next grilling party. Seriously, do it, you know you want to. Then, once you’ve realized how trustworthy we really are, you can become a DiSanto customer! Then you’ll save hundreds of dollars every year on your energy bill! Become a DiSanto customer today.