What Exactly Are They?
Permanently installed on a concrete block in your backyard, standby generators dispense backup power to your home for days. Fueled by either natural gas, propane, or diesel, these units are directly connected to your home’s electrical panel. The size of your generator determines how much electricity is supplied to your house. While smaller generators will only generate enough fuel for a few circuits, larger generators could be powerful enough to generate electricity for your entire home.
How Do They Work?
When your power goes out, an automatic transfer switch immediately disconnects you from your utility. This same switch then powers up your generator, preparing it to transfer power to your home’s electrical panel. When your power outage ends, your power generator switches back off and your home’s electrical power is reconnected to its original source.
Unfortunately, power generators are not without flaws. Quite honestly, they can be noisy, but it’s better than not having power, especially during a winter storm. However, in comparison to portable generators, standby generators are much quieter, although they cost quite a bit more.
Propane Gas Generators
Propane is a wise choice for your standby power generator. First of all, unlike diesel, propane is a green source of energy, so it produces fewer toxic emissions into the environment. Not only are propane generators clean burning but they also have a long shelf life, making them excellent investments. In comparison to other fuel sources, propane generators operate much more quietly.
DiSanto Propane
If you decide to install a propane standby generator (or if you already have one), sign up for our automatic propane delivery services at DiSanto Propane. Since 1937, our propane suppliers have offered propane services to upstate New York homes and businesses. Our propane company is a fourth-generation family-owned and operated business. Both businesses and residences rely on our services because they are timely, reliable, and friendly. Propane isn’t simply used to run generators and fuel grills. For businesses, propane can be used to fuel lawn mowers, forklifts, and all types of vehicles. Farms often use propane to fuel everything from their grain dryers to their irrigation systems and everything in between. Many homes power their kitchen appliances and clothes dryers with efficient propane, cutting their energy costs. If you are concerned about increasing propane prices, especially in the colder times of the year, you could even consider signing up for our Stable Propane Pricing Plan. This plan offers one fixed rate throughout the entire year so that you’ll never have to worry about a surge in prices. Contact DiSanto Propane now for our propane services.