16 05, 2018

The History Of Propane – By Your Local Propane Distributor

By | May 16th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on The History Of Propane – By Your Local Propane Distributor

“The greatest gift of life on the mountain is time. Time to think or not think, read or not read, scribble or not scribble -- to sleep and cook and walk in the woods, to sit and stare at the shapes of the hills. I produce nothing but words; I consume nothing but food, a little propane, a little firewood. By being utterly useless in the calculations of the culture at large [...]

26 03, 2018

Highlighting Our Range of Services At DiSanto Propane

By | March 26th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Highlighting Our Range of Services At DiSanto Propane

In our last posts, it could be argued that we got a little bit carried away with ourselves. The two-part series was titled “We’ve Been Around Since 1937 -- What’s Happened Between Then And Now?â€, and we did our best to highlight just how many notable events have occurred from 1937 until now. There have been some terrible things to have happened, including war, genocide, disease, injustice, and much more that we [...]

27 02, 2018

The Science of Propane

By | February 27th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on The Science of Propane

At DiSanto Propane, we are proud to offer a number of propane services for homeowners and businesses who are looking for a clean, reliable source of energy. As you might imagine, that means that we’re passionate about learning as much as we can about the product that we offer. Whether you’re looking to make the upgrade to propane appliances or ensure that you never get trapped in a bad situation when the [...]

23 02, 2018

3 More Reasons to Choose DiSanto Propane

By | February 23rd, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on 3 More Reasons to Choose DiSanto Propane

If you’ve been following along with our blogs, you may have noticed a recent post that was all about what makes DiSanto Propane different. In that post, we highlighted the facts that we are passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced. We stand by those statements, but as we were thinking about it, we realized that there are a few more things that set us apart from the rest. As a matter of fact, that’s [...]

19 02, 2018

Cozy Up With a Good Book When the Weather Takes a Turn

By | February 19th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Cozy Up With a Good Book When the Weather Takes a Turn

Our last couple of blogs have been about cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie when the weather outside takes a turn for the worst. Hey, can you blame us after the crazy winter we’ve had? The first post highlighted a few recent movies that we think would be ideal to enjoy during a snow day and the second post was all about classic movies that are worthy of a [...]

16 02, 2018

Turn On Your Fireplace and Settle in For a Good Movie Part 2

By | February 16th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Turn On Your Fireplace and Settle in For a Good Movie Part 2

In a recent blog, the team at DiSanto Propane highlighted a few movies to watch while relaxing by the fire on a cold winter day. We liked that idea so much that we decided to make a sequel, if you will, but this time around, we’re only going to be sharing the classics. That’s right--in our first blog, we mentioned only newer movies, and in this post we’ll be going back in [...]

12 02, 2018

What Else Will You Do With the Money You Save by Switching to Propane?

By | February 12th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on What Else Will You Do With the Money You Save by Switching to Propane?

In one of our recent blogs, we asked an incredibly important question: what would you do with the money you save by switching to propane? We highlighted a few of our favorite options such as making improvements around your home, traveling somewhere special on a trip with your family, and treating yourself to something you’ve wanted for awhile. Today’s blog exists to answer that very question again. There are plenty more things [...]

5 02, 2018

What Will You Do With the Money You Save By Switching to Propane?

By | February 5th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on What Will You Do With the Money You Save By Switching to Propane?

Did you know that switching to propane services from DiSanto Propane could save you as much as $500 to $1000 each year? It’s easier than you might think and there are virtually no up front costs to switch. We make it incredibly easy to switch to propane so you can start to see savings pretty much immediately. Heat your home faster, stay warm longer, and save money in the process. It doesn’t [...]

25 01, 2018

Take a Life Inventory in Front of Your Propane Fireplace

By | January 25th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Take a Life Inventory in Front of Your Propane Fireplace

Chances are, you’re spending more time indoors and living a slower-paced lifestyle during the winter. As the days grow darker and colder, you simply cannot spend as much time running around outside. Why not use this time to sit down in front of your propane fireplace and take inventory of your life? People often make New Year’s resolutions that they don’t keep. Instead of feeling discouraged from making your own personal resolutions, [...]

16 01, 2018

Take This Chance to Make Sure You’re Ready for Grilling This Spring

By | January 16th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on Take This Chance to Make Sure You’re Ready for Grilling This Spring

At DiSanto Propane, we offer a number of different propane services to New York residents. After all, if we didn’t, our name wouldn’t make much sense! We focus quite a bit on how propane can make your life a bit easier. From a propane fireplace to a propane dryer for your laundry and everything in between, our blog posts are often about how propane can benefit your home. What we don’t focus [...]