About DiSanto Propane

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So far DiSanto Propane has created 199 blog entries.
29 08, 2018

Going Camping? Let Propane Light Your Way

By | August 29th, 2018|Propane Supplier New York|Comments Off on Going Camping? Let Propane Light Your Way

Another summer has come...come and almost gone. But it’s not quite done and dusted! There still are a few more precious weeks for lovers of the outdoors to seize the chance to take in all that mother nature has to offer. If you’re anything like us, you just can’t get enough of that old bird, what with her beautiful sunsets, mountains, valleys, streams, creeks, waterfalls, beaches, oceans, trees...we could go on and [...]

25 08, 2018

Propane For Camping: What You Need On Your Road Trip

By | August 25th, 2018|Residential Propane Tanks New York|Comments Off on Propane For Camping: What You Need On Your Road Trip

Oh, the places you’ll go with your trusty tank of propane provided to you by your trusty propane distributor DiSanto. DiSanto Propane, Upstate New York’s top propane distributor, has been around for over 80 years now. At the risk of tooting our own horn, we are pretty darn proud of that fact. We aren’t going to spend an inordinate amount of time belaboring the point, but we will say that anytime you [...]

19 08, 2018

How Not To Grill, Part Three – Hint: Use Propane

By | August 19th, 2018|Propane Refill New York|Comments Off on How Not To Grill, Part Three – Hint: Use Propane

It seems we just cannot get enough of this topic — informing our loyal readers how not to grill. In parts one and two (for this is part three, as the title no doubt gave away), we discussed an array of ways in which the griller can depart from the straight and narrow path. Among the common grilling mistakes that came to mind were, in no particular order, using too much direct [...]

14 08, 2018

Avoiding Common Grilling Mistakes, Part Two

By | August 14th, 2018|Propane Supplier New York|Comments Off on Avoiding Common Grilling Mistakes, Part Two

Here we are again, dispensing propane-based knowledge into the final frontier known as the internet. In part one of this two-part series, we highlighted a few ways beginners (along with the odd intermediate) get tripped up when grilling. We talked about letting your meat settle the right amount before throwing it on the grill, while making sure that it doesn’t get all the way to room temperature. We discussed how experienced grillers [...]

7 08, 2018

Common Grilling Mistakes And How To Avoid Making Them

By | August 7th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Common Grilling Mistakes And How To Avoid Making Them

It’s high summer. The days are long, the air is muggy, the bugs are out, nature is beautiful as ever, and people are out and about trying to take it all in. Some folks prefer to venture less than twenty feet outside the confines of their abode. Others like camp, backpack, and be generally less of a homebody. We here at DiSanto Propane are not here to judge, let’s make that clear. [...]

1 08, 2018

Propane As A Lifestyle – How Propane Could Improve Every Part Of Your Life

By | August 1st, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Propane As A Lifestyle – How Propane Could Improve Every Part Of Your Life

In our last post, we departed from the slightly mundane, in favor of a comparison that could be considered somewhere between bold and inappropriate. In our attempt to convey the depth of significance we feel for propane (and we think everyone should feel, for that matter), we took something out of It’s A Wonderful Life’s playbook to make our desired point; what would life be like if propane had never been invented? [...]

25 07, 2018

Imagine Your Life Without Propane

By | July 25th, 2018|Propane Supplier New York|Comments Off on Imagine Your Life Without Propane

In It’s A Wonderful Life, one of the best Christmas movies ever created, if not one of the best films of all time, George Bailey gets the chance to see what the world would have been like if he had never been born. While we should probably have written out SPOILER ALERT before spilling those beans, we took the liberty to deem ourselves safe at this point, given the fact that said [...]

19 07, 2018

More Propane Frequently Asked Questions Answered By DiSanto of NY

By | July 19th, 2018|Propane Water Heater New York|Comments Off on More Propane Frequently Asked Questions Answered By DiSanto of NY

In our last post, Mailbag: Answering Some Propane FAQs, we did exactly what the title of the post suggests we would — answer some questions we hear once in a while about propane. And while our mailbox isn’t overflowing with inquisitions related to propane applications or its efficiency, we thought we could do our civic duty, as it were, to help folks educate themselves on the wonderful world of propane. Sure, we [...]

14 07, 2018

Mailbag: Answering Some Propane FAQs

By | July 14th, 2018|Propane Appliances New York|Comments Off on Mailbag: Answering Some Propane FAQs

DiSanto Propane is your choice for commercial and residential propane supply in Upstate New York and beyond. In the past, we’ve used this space to do a variety of things, from having a bit of fun listing the many major historical events that have taken place between 1937 (the year of our founding) and today, to offering up a few of our favorite grilling ideas. We also like to be more practically [...]

10 07, 2018

More Grilling Tips From Your NY Propane Distributor!

By | July 10th, 2018|Propane Services New York|Comments Off on More Grilling Tips From Your NY Propane Distributor!

It’s summertime in New York. And you know what that means — it’s time to grill. Whether it’s just for yourself in the middle of the week, for the whole family, or for that family reunion on your in-law’s side that you’ve been officially “looking forward to,†we’ve got you covered here at DiSanto Propane. In our last post, we shared with you some flank steak, leg of lamb, and individual pizza [...]