26 09, 2018

Fall Grilling Ideas And Why We Love Autumn!

By | September 26th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Fall Grilling Ideas And Why We Love Autumn!

Who says the summer is over? Well, informed, educated, knowledgeable people do, actually — seeing as how the autumnal equinox was this past week. While we are more solstice-folks ourselves, we never turn down the opportunity to topically include the word “equinox†in a blog. With the season’s change comes new colors, lower temperatures, warm blankets, more evenings indoors, kids going to school again (thank heavens), and of course, an entire new [...]

22 09, 2018

The Best Darn Propane Company On The Planet!

By | September 22nd, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on The Best Darn Propane Company On The Planet!

Yes, we believe we are the best darn propane company on the planet. Yes, it’s a lofty claim, as there are many propane distributors and propane suppliers out there that we are not familiar with, so we really have no way of gauging our bet. Likewise, there are plenty of high-quality propane companies that we are familiar with — some are good, some aren’t — such is the way of the world. [...]

15 09, 2018

Notable Inventions Since Our Propane Company’s 1937 Founding

By | September 15th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Notable Inventions Since Our Propane Company’s 1937 Founding

1937 was a while ago. You grandparents might not even have been born yet, although we wouldn’t bet on it. We would bet on the chance that you weren’t born before that year, however. One thing we are sure of, though, is that 1937 was the year our family-owned, fourth-generation propane company was founded in Upstate New York. All those years ago, we started off with a mission to provide folks who [...]

7 08, 2018

Common Grilling Mistakes And How To Avoid Making Them

By | August 7th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Common Grilling Mistakes And How To Avoid Making Them

It’s high summer. The days are long, the air is muggy, the bugs are out, nature is beautiful as ever, and people are out and about trying to take it all in. Some folks prefer to venture less than twenty feet outside the confines of their abode. Others like camp, backpack, and be generally less of a homebody. We here at DiSanto Propane are not here to judge, let’s make that clear. [...]

1 08, 2018

Propane As A Lifestyle – How Propane Could Improve Every Part Of Your Life

By | August 1st, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Propane As A Lifestyle – How Propane Could Improve Every Part Of Your Life

In our last post, we departed from the slightly mundane, in favor of a comparison that could be considered somewhere between bold and inappropriate. In our attempt to convey the depth of significance we feel for propane (and we think everyone should feel, for that matter), we took something out of It’s A Wonderful Life’s playbook to make our desired point; what would life be like if propane had never been invented? [...]

5 06, 2018

Can I Use My Grill For Breakfast? Part Two

By | June 5th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Can I Use My Grill For Breakfast? Part Two

In our first post of this two-part series, we may have been guilty of getting a bit carried away with talking about the World Cup that is right around the corner. The world’s most popular sport is celebrated with a global event that sees nations from every corner of the earth compete against one another. Egypt, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, England, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Turkey, France, Spain, Russia, and a host of other [...]

29 05, 2018

Propane Grill For Breakfast: Wake Up To The World Cup This Summer!

By | May 29th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Propane Grill For Breakfast: Wake Up To The World Cup This Summer!

We tend to start these posts with a bit of a rundown of previous posts. We won’t get too far in depth in order today a history lesson, but we will remind our readers that our previous post involved reasons to get out and grill this summer. Much of that post had to do with the benefits of hosting, of grilling up (semi) healthy eats like chicken breasts, steak, or what have [...]

6 05, 2018

What Will Our Propane Company Blog About Next?

By | May 6th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on What Will Our Propane Company Blog About Next?

We like to talk about a variety of topics here at DiSanto Propane. From helping out our clients, prospective clients, and really anyone who happens upon this blog with “how to choose a grill†posts to our late celebration of our 80th anniversary with a look at some significant world events that have taken place between 1917 and now, there’s no knowing what we might blog about next! It could be an [...]

16 04, 2018

Spotlight: Our Residential Propane Services

By | April 16th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on Spotlight: Our Residential Propane Services

We are located at 11098 Route 31, Clyde, NY, 14433. We are propane distributors who serve both the commercial and residential sectors. As we just finished celebrating our 80th anniversary in existence, having been founded in 1937, we figured it might be a good time to shine the proverbial spotlight on our range of home propane services. The common denominator is that we can help you reduce energy costs while improving your [...]

15 03, 2018

We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part Two

By | March 15th, 2018|Home Propane New York|Comments Off on We’ve Been Around Since 1937 — What’s Happened Between Then And Now? Part Two

Welcome to part two of this two-part series ingeniously titled, “we’ve been around since 1937 -- what’s happened between then and now?†If you’ve read part one of this series, you’d already know that we are doing our darndest to be as thorough and comprehensive as possible when it comes to covering all major historical events that happened between our founding year and the present. While we covered our own backsides with [...]